BELIGUM / USA • Under the tagline “learn, connect, discover”, Xeikon Café 2019 will feature two editions: Xeikon Café Europe (26 – 28 March) in Belgium and Xeikon Café North America (14 – 16 May) in Chicago, USA. Xeikon Café started four years ago and is now, due to its huge success, taking place annually in Europe and North America. A new feature of the European Xeikon Café is an educational day for students.
Aim is, according to Xeikon, to help print service providers evaluate and experience new aspects of digital production.
Xeikon Café Europe – March 26 to 28, Belgium
The fifth edition of Xeikon Café Europe will focus on the labels & packaging industry, and as established industry event, it will highlight the latest innovations in an ever-transforming world of digital production – so the company states.
In addition to the educational academy with technology-driven presentations and practical workshop sessions, the conference will feature speakers that provide inspiration and education designed to help attendees move their businesses forward. Featured will be also a range of industry suppliers, participating in end-to-end demonstrations of applications.
For the first time, a Student Day is added to the program and will take place on Friday, March 29. While the first three days of Xeikon Café Europe are open for anyone interested in digital production to attend, the last and fourth day will this year be dedicated exclusively to College and University students.
The Student Day is designed to educate student attendees on the opportunities available in the exciting world of digital print manufacturing and the graphics industry in Belgium, encouraging the next generation of talent to join the industry. These future printing arts professionals will learn about market trends, how technology is addressing those trends, and help get them ready for the future. For the Student Day, Xeikon Café is working closing with VIGC, the Independent Innovation Centre for Graphic Communication in the Benelux.
Xeikon Café North America – May 14 to 16, Chicago
Now in its third year, Xeikon Café North America will be a three-day exhibition and conference focused on labels & commercial printing including the graphic arts market. This edition also will feature applications using the latest digital production technologies offered by Xeikon and a range of industry suppliers.
Mertens also notes that the Xeikon Café website has been revamped to include a dedicated application section where all applications that have been demonstrated at a Xeikon Café event are available online, including full descriptions and production details.